Wednesday 10 December 2014

Beta Vs Alpha

“Men are emotional creatures. We like to cry, we like to bond with our mates, we enjoy physical tactility. So all these hyper-macho tropes are highly unnatural; it’s the ‘beta’ male that’s the true version of masculinity.”
                                                                        -Professor Eric Anderson    
It's quite stereotypical how society crudely categorizes males into two very distinct groups; Alpha males and Beta males; with the Alphas supposedly at the top of the food chain, so to speak. The Alpha male represents the portion of male populace who posses more authority, power and financial means to accentuate them to the top of society's pecking order. Often, Alpha males tend to dominate and intimidate and are typically called 'real men'. The Betas on the other hand are the more submissive and often lowly males who aren't especially attractive to people, particularly those of the feminine variety. Beta males are seen as ever-ready to succumb to domination, even when the domineering entity is a female. Clearly, this crude classification of men puts the Beta male in a tight spot. The real question however, is if the Beta male deserves all this bogus ridicule being thrown at him. Frankly, he doesn't.

The Alpha male ideology basically stems from the animal kingdom. Man over the years has learned through observation, to inculcate into his lifestyle the intimidating and dominating behaviors of male animals that aid in mate-acquisition as well as securing power and control over subordinates. Many view this 'trait' as desirable and attractive but in retrospect, the Alpha male ideology has created a very bland view on what defines male machismo and what women truly find attractive in a man.The Beta male is usually viewed as emotional and sensitive. Thus, the Beta male is seen as conciliatory and synergistic-as opposed to the Alpha male's independence. But can we say that being collaborative is undesirable? Or that the openness and sensitivity of the Beta male is unattractive? That's food for thought.

What then do women find attractive in a man? Is it the bossy nature of a man that portrays him as being in control? Is it how well he exhibits social communication skills? Is it in how competitive he is at sports or how tall and well cut his muscles are? Could it be a man's sensitivity to a woman's needs? Is it how nurturing and attentive he is to her every desire? Or can it be the poetry and lyrics that he recites to her passionately? In my opinion, I say women find traits of the Beta male more attractive in the long run than those of the Alpha male. Here is my reasoning...

Having a man who is well-built, dominating and financially stable may seem like quite the catch to a girl but not to a woman. A woman is matured enough to realize that she needs a lot more than the superficial qualities of a man she views as a potential mate. She realizes that she needs emotional security and deserves a man who is psychologically in sync with her ideals. Thus she will opt for a Beta male because Betas are the Alphas of today. Betas, with all their sensuality and sensitivity clearly are the embodiment of the ideal man every woman would want to settle down with. this is because the Beta male is idealistic. He's content with who he truly is and as such he won't strive to 'prove his worth' through trivial means such as wanting everyone to know the number of zeros in his account or start a steroid diet, I'm
just saying.

The Beta male lets everyone see him for who he is; the kind, nurturing and emotionally reliable mate. I'm not saying money or being physically fit isn't good. I'm just saying the Beta male doesn't 'price' himself by profit or stature. To the Beta, its all about what's inside and women love what's inside.


  1. Another nyc one there. Beta males are definitely what we deserve

  2. Thanks. Definitely. Betas have long suffered the stigma and it's time that changed.

  3. Very enlightening... would never have tipped you off as a writer. I'm impressed
